Its been a while between blogs---time for a travel update!!
We finally managed to drag ourselves away from our beloved town of Baños--but stayed a while longer in Ecuador. They had presidential elections at the end of April---so Jesus stayed to vote and have a say in his countries future (or to avoid a fine---one or the other. He actually had a fine for not voting last time--even though he wasn´t in the country---welcome to Sth America!!!). Below is Jesus with our friends in the cafe kitchen...and us with my Spanish teacher Judith in Baños.

We spent time with his sisters in Ambato (where he also had to vote), which was nice---but also played tourist a bit more. The first stop was the coast---what was a cute little beach town called Montanita---but unfortunately is now full of noisy bars!! We stayed a couple of days to enjoy the beach---and to eat pataconas (just to make you jealous Cath!!)---but enough of the noisy bars!! Time to head back to the mountains.

It was a typical local market---selling fruit and veggies, sacks of rice and grains, clothes, animals (sheep, pigs, Llamas!!!) and food stalls selling anything from chicken soup to "sopa de cabeza" (sheep head soup!!)---yes i saw pots full of sheeps heads looking up at me!!! I tried to take a photo of the pot of sheeps heads--but the lady got cross with me---she probably thought i was crazy!!!Jesus tucked in heartily with the locals to a traditional "Caldo 31"---tripe soup---i just looked on!!!
There was even an area where locals bought their sheep to be "professionally" killed ond skinned and chopped up---poor things!!!!
We both just love these colourful markets---with all the local indigenous people dressed in their colourful traditional clothes. Jesus joined in the tradition and bought himself a poncho---which he proudly wore when he went off to vote!!
Here is a few more market photos for you to enjoy!!!
And here at this market these poor Llamitas met their fate---i can´t believe i took this photo!! I also can´t believe they eat these cute animals----but i guess we eat kangaroo!!!!

Here is Jesus at Quillatoa in his new poncho!!!
After voting and spending a few fun days with Jesus´two sisters and families---time to head down south and across the border to Peru---see you later Ecuador!!!
Actually--when we crossed the border---the guy in the Peruvian immigration looked at Jesus´ Ecuadorian passport and gave him a visa for 30 days----and to me he gave 60 days. When we explained that we were married and what was the point of having different visas--he looked and said hmmm---liquid papered out Jesus 30 days and gave him the same as me. Got to love Sth America!!!
Actually--when we crossed the border---the guy in the Peruvian immigration looked at Jesus´ Ecuadorian passport and gave him a visa for 30 days----and to me he gave 60 days. When we explained that we were married and what was the point of having different visas--he looked and said hmmm---liquid papered out Jesus 30 days and gave him the same as me. Got to love Sth America!!!
The highlight of our time here so far has been in the mountains---but you will have to wait for the next blog for that story!!!
Our first couple of stops were in towns in the north of Peru, where we visited some ruins--one with some really beautiful and well preserved wall decoration.

I must say---one of the sad sights over here is all the begging---mainly indigenous people of course---but not only adults---actually even more so the kids. Their parents send them out to beg---in various manners---straight out asking for money, selling lollies, cleaning shoes, some even do a few acrobatic jumps in front of cars stopped at traffic lights and then walk up and down asking for money for their entertainment!!! All forms of begging.
I must tell one story that did make us laugh. We were on a bus and a young girl was begging---when a phone rang and she pulled out her mobile phone and answered it. Hmmm---if you are going to beg--at least turn off the mobile!!!
I must tell one story that did make us laugh. We were on a bus and a young girl was begging---when a phone rang and she pulled out her mobile phone and answered it. Hmmm---if you are going to beg--at least turn off the mobile!!!
Anyway--we enjoyed Cajamarca for a few days---visiting some of the interesting archaeological sites in the surrounding countryside. One was some tombs built in to a rock face; and another took us higher in to the surrounding mountains to a "forest of stones" where the ingenious engineering feats of the Incas still remains---a water canal to supply the town below. The countryside here was really beautiful as we were literally walking through a forest of stone formations.
Plus we enjoyed the yummy thermal baths there---that date back to Inca times---and of course taking lots of photos of the colouful local people and markets---we do love a market here---they are an insight in to the local life.
Just so you can enjoy all our travels with us--i will share my bus story with you!! Leaving Cajamarca many of the buses were full as it was mothers day weekend---but we found one company that looked ok. Well---looked ok in the photo!!! When the bus arrived (finally!!)--i got on while Jesus made sure that our bags also got on---yes, you need to double check here!! Well---the bus stank and the seats were as old as the Incas---and we had to spend the night there. I nearly got straight off!! An hour or so in to the journey the man in front had his window open letting in the cold night air---i nearly asked him to close it, when i heard him talking to someone on his phone---we laughed when we heard him say "i am in a bus that stinks like goats!!!" I never get travel sick---but this bus made me sick---literally!!! YUK!!
Ahh---aren´t you jealous of our travels!!!
Anyway---hope you continue to enjoy our travel tales---wait for the next one!!!
Until then
Lots of love
Lots of love
Llamas Bailando xxoo
PS: I leave you with Jesus---just being Jesus!!!! And---some more market photos taken in Ambato---enjoy.
YES.........I am jealous!!!!!! Your stories are great....and soooooo South American!!!!! Alex and Ia re back...and sad...not long enugh! We loved coming soon. Linda was over here last night..her turn next...we mis you both lots!
Karen y Jesus Me encantan las fotos estan super buenas y comunican la verdadera cultura y la energia de los lugares que han visitado. Abrazos grandes. alex
ReplyDeleteHi Karen and Jesus
ReplyDeleteI am revisting this blog on the 2nd Han, 2010....Ecuador, my second homeland!