As I mentioned in an earlier blog...the first Sunday here we climbed Taita Imbaburra...the incredibly beautiful mountain/volcano which is the backdrop to the family home.
Taita Imbaburra as seen from the family home. |
The following thursday we also climbed Mama Cotocachi...the mountian/volcano seen in the photos of Laguna Cuicocha in the previous blog. The next 2 blogs are dedicated to our volcano climbs!!
Sunday...the day to climb Taita Imbaburra. After a brisk shower in "el Dique" and coffee with home-made bread and cheese for breaky...time to head off on our adventure.
Ready to go!! |
Our "personal" camionette driver Don Vincente picked us up, and after a quick stop at he market in town to buy water, sweets, mote with cheese for lunch and we set.
Shopping at the local market. |
Finalizing our backpacks!! |
Playing silly in the back of the ute!! | |
The road up to our starting point...from the back of the ute. |
He drove us to the final point for cars...and from there, hiking upwards to the top!! Jesus´ brother Renee was our "tour guide" and there was 9 of us...including 2 of our 15 year old nephews Diego and Cristian. The 2 boys had done this climb numerous times...and came along to help out of anyone needed to go back down and wanted help.
Piling out and ready to go!!! |
A friendly face to see us off!! |
We got ourselve ready...breaking up the panella to chew on. Panella is a block of pure is good to help when climbing at can help to prevent altitude sickness.
Our personal guide Renee. |
Jesus breaking up the panella...a stone makes a great tool!! |
Bagging up the panella...ready to go!! |
We started our climb at about 3000m. The first part we meandered through pretty countryside...then...let the climb begin.
Off we set!! |
Pretty views. |
A remote house along the way!! |
A couple more family members!! |
It was a fairly steady climb to start with...with beautiful views over the town below Ibarra, the countryside and the spectacular snow capped volcano Cayambe in the background. We had a few stops along the way...lost a couple of the group struggling with the altitude...but, onwards and upwards. This first part was not hard climbing wise...but more for the altitude.
Starting to climb. |
More views!! |
Looking back over the town Ibarra below. |
Snow covered Volcano Cayambe is in the background. |
Cayambe hiding in clouds. |
We reached our first marked point "Rocas de Curiquingues" at 3466m. From here the climb really started. As we got higher...we also started to reach the clouds. Unfortunately the top of Imbaburra was hidden in the clouds today.
The spunky couple!! |
Bit of a stretch!! |
Upwards and onwards!! |
In to the clouds!! |
Who is that up ahead!!? |
We all ended up spreading out a bit and walking at our own pace...the trail was easy to no fear of getting lost!! Jesus and some of the boys went off ahead...but i prefer to go at my own steady pace. The two nephews were funny and so full of energy...they kept on running ahead and having lots of fun. At one point Renee told them off for running they were also there to help out. Their faces dropped when he told them that one of them might have to go back and stay with those left behind. was eventually agreed that the others would be off the boys went running and playing. For was enough just walking at this altitude!!!
Gerti and her dad Willy. |
A rest!! |
We arrived at the next marked point "Bosque de Polylepis" (forest of paper trees) at 4260m....getting higher and higher!! But...still further to onwards and upwards we continued!!!
A paper tree. |
The next and last marked point before the top was "El Jardin Encantado" (the enchanted garden), at 4288m!! Very enchanted it was misty and eerie!!!
The last part of the climb was the most "nervous-making"!!! It was completely cloudy, and I was walking on my own. Jesus and the others went off ahead and Gerti and Renee were behind. So...I couldn't see anyone, and it was also quite rocky and potentially slippery. I just went slowly...the altitude made my legs quite i really had to concentrate. Even though I couldn´t see because of the clouds...I am sure it was a long way down if I slipped!!! A couple of times I got quite nervous, as the climbing path at the top wasnt´t so obvious. I stopped to wait for Renee and Gerti...but then a group was coming I knew which way to go!! The next time I was a bit uncertain I ended up catching up with a guide and another I followed them!!!
Can´t see where to go!! |
I finally reached the about 4480m...where Jesus, Tobias, Diego and Cristian were waiting. They were just about to head down, as it was chilly...and Jesus was thinking that I wouldn´t make it. HA HA HA!!! Not long after, Gerti and Renee arrived. What a great feeling...we couldn´t see anything from up there...but it was an invigorating experience!!
Renee arriving at the top. |
Gerti arriving at the top. |
Gerti and I were proud of our "Girl Power" efforts...the two girls to make it to the top!!
Girl Power!! |
After photos to prove our success...time to head back down.
Jesus, me, Diego and Cristian at the top. |
Proof we all made it!! |
The first part was almost harder than clambering downthe rocks was a bit slippery. As always, the boys ran off ahead!!! Diego had bought a squashed big water bottle with him...and once we arrived at the grassy area, he and Cristian "tobogganed" down the slopes!!!
We made a stop for "lunch" in one of the grassy areas...the long reed-like grass making a comfy bed for a bit of a "siesta"!!!
Lunch time!! |
Siesta time!! |
Sleeping beauty!! |
Then...time to head back down to our awaiting camionette!! The clouds cleared back down there...and we had views over the countryside again and back up to where we had just come from!!
Ibarra coming back in to view. |
The road back down. |
Patchwork countryside!! |
We stopped for a bit of a rest at the first "marked point" we were a bit early for the cammionette... enjoyed a bit of sunshine and looked back up to the top where we had just been!!!
Ahhh... we made it back down!! |
Jesus, Renee and Diego...enjoying a well deserved rest!! |
The top point on the left hand mountain is where we came from!! |
Back in to our camionette...homeward bound. Don Vincente kindly took us to his sisters little cafe where he invited us to Cola and empanadas...well enjoyed after our days hiking!!!
The way to travel in Ecuador!! |
The view from our camionette. |
Back home...we were all happy and invigorated.So invigorated in fact...that after a much needed bite to eat...we put on some music and couldn´t stop dancing!!!
Gerti´s mum and dad having a dance. |
Jesus and Mama Maria enjoying a dance. |
Go Mama Maria1! |
So...that was our day climbing Taita Imbaburra. I will share with you some of the photos of the pretty flowers, plants and ground covers that I took along the way. As we were at high altitude...most of the vegetation was small plants and ground covers.
This is called the Flower of the Andes. It is found above 4000m. |
Hope you enjoyed these photos. Until our next mountain climb...
Lots of Love
Llamas Bailando xxoo
Another great story and I love the photos! Miss you mi novia!