This blog takes us to Buenos Aires. No...we didn't make a quick trip to Argentina!! Buenos Aires is a cute little town here in the North of Ecuador...about 3 hours from Ibarra. It is apparently only 50km if you draw a straight line from Ibarra to Buenos Aires...but winding up the mountain on a dirt road, in an old takes 3 hours!!.
Up, up and up until we ended up in the clouds...literally. But...we finally ended up at our destination. The town is surrounded by mountains....and cloud. We were actually at the same altitude as San Antonio where the family lives, but in San Antonio it is extremely hot and dry and In Buenos Aires it is much greener. The fog is apparently a feature of this town. As it is between the coast and the mountains, it gets more humidity. The cold air from the mountains and the warm air from the coast forming this fog.
We stayed at the house of a local farmer/tour guide, Edwin. He was born/bread there, so knows the area and is also passionate about promoting tourism.
Edwin's house |
Our room!! |
View from our room |
View from Edwin's house. |
The street to down town!! |
House on the corner. |
The town had a really cute feel about has the central plaza, as do all towns here...with the large church...surrounded by wooden houses all with cute doors and balconies and painted different colours. I can't help myself...i took lots of photos to share!!
Central plaza. |
The Church. |
Row of cute houses. |
Cute ramshackle house!!
and many more houses!! |
Edwin took us for a walk around the town, explaining the history and stories and fables. For example; there is a waterfall with a big statue of the Virgin Saint at the entrance to the town. Legend is that there was bad spirits around the waterfall. The man who founded the road leading to town said he would do so, but he would have to put a statue of the Saint to ward off these spirits.
Entrance to Buenos Aires. |
The town has only 550 inhabitants. They live off farming...mainly producing "tomato de arbol" (tree tomatoes) and also milk and cheese. There is a milk processing plant..the milk is collected from all the surrounding farms, processed and packaged and then sold in the main cities.
There is also a lady who makes cheese. Again, she obtains the milk from the local farmers and makes the cheese which is packaged and sold in Ibarra. We bought some before we left to take home to Mama Maria!!
Yummy cheeses. |
After a yummy dinner of quinoa soup followed by potatoes with a cheese sauce, Edwin took us for a walk on his property to have a look down over the town at night. He also showed us some of the trees and plants and some orchids he has growing. This region boasts over 100 species of orchids.
Night time in BA!! |
Looking over down town at night. |
orchid. |
orchid. |
The town has only had electricity since 1982...and this came about due to an accident. As they used fuel for cooking and light, a house burnt down killing 2 local kids, prompting the urgency of bringing electricity to the town.
We had a busy day planned for the next off to our room for an early night.
Edwin knew we wanted to see as much s up the next morning at 5.30. And wow, what a busy day it was..think we packed 3 days in to 1!! Breakfast was tea with some bread...then came out a plate with rice, lentils, potato and a bowl of salad!!! I laughed...never eat that much for breakfast...but gave it a good go to be polite!!
Breaky time |
Breakfast!! |
We watched the sun rise over the was really beautiful...a little country paradise. Ecuador has so many hidden treasures...especially here in the north where not as much tourism arrives.
Good morning. |
..and again!! |
The town waking up. |
A new day. |
After breaky the cows were bought down for milking...
Come on down cows!! |
Milking time. |
Baby wanting to steal milk!! |
Breaky time. |
...and them time to head off on our first adventure for the day. First stop was
Cerro Chispe...the mountain directly in front of the town.Our ute for the day dropped us off at the entrance, and then of we set with Edwin and George. They led the way with machettes cutting back all the undergrowth. The hike to the top was times scrambling up through the bush/trees/scrub on slippery ground.
Onwards and upwards. |
We went to about 3 different look-outs. WOW, WOW, WOW!! Amazing views over Buenos Aires and over all the surrounding mountain ranges. In one direction the even mountain range that borders Colombia. We had a beautiful morning for the hike, with nice clear views. Yep...lots of photos!!
On top of the world. |
more.. |
more.. |
Colombia is somewhere over yonder!! |
or over there!! |
or is it there!! |
Nice photo |
another |
another |
artistic shot!! |
another!! |
Rest time to enjoy the view. |
The road below. |
One more view |
Happy happy happy. |
All along the way Edwin told us more legends about the area. As George went ahead cutting back the overgrowth, we had time to look at all the beautiful plants and trees and flowers.
Flowers and orchids and bromeliads along the way...
This part of the mountain is actually owned by Edwin...most of the land here has an owner!! He asked us to name a couple of the look-outs One we named "Mirador al Cielo" (Look-out in the sky), and the other "Mirador Escondido" (the hidden look-out).
It was time to head back down..again scrambling through the bush. There is one part near the top with a big rock where Edwin wants to bring tourists to do rock climbing.
Rock for climbing!! |
Anyone for rock climbing? |
Looking back over the mountain. |
After a quick stop in town we headed off on our next adventure for the day. This was a good 1 hour trip climbing the "old road" to a look-out that was at about 3500m. With more amazing views..this time over Ibarra and Imbaburra.
Travelling in the back of the camionette was part of the adventure...if not hard on the backside!! The road wound up and up, round and around...all dirt and stones. We got bathed in dust!!!
As we got higher and higher, it got colder and very windy and the vegetation completely changed. Vegetation of the paramo. We finally arrived at the top of the climb...then had to walk for 20 minutes through the long grassy windy, windy, windy (did I say windy/!!) countryside to reach the lookout.
Heading up out of town. |
Cemetary along the way. |
Heading up higher and higher. |
So high there is no trees!! |
Looking back where we came from. |
Looking back towards Ibarra. |
More amazing (but windy and chilly!!) views. You could see looking at the mountains nearby how windy it was...the grass being flattened by the wind.
Wind swept grass. |
..and more. |
We took in the atmosphere while enjoying some fruit....then it was time to head back down.
Rest time!! |
Spotto Karen!! |
Flower surviving the wind!! |
Close up..
We arrived back in town dirty and stiff from so much time in the back of the camionette. I was lucky to have the first-class seat on top of the pile of grass they had cut to take back for the chickens!!!
Next...a small lunch. A hearty soup followed by a plate of rice/beans/egg/salad/potato!!
Then on to our third and final activity for the day. Back in to the camionette for another hour trip to a town where there was a waterfall to visit. I asked the kids (Veronika, 10, and Anibal,5) if they wanted to join off we all set.
Again, winding through the beautiful countryside...we passed views of the waterfall in the distance...quite spectacular. We finally arrived in the small town where it was a 20 minute walk to the waterfall. was just beautiful...about 100m in height and with lovely colours in the surrounding rocks.
Along the way.. |
The river valley. |
Enjoying the view. |
Beautiful waterfall. |
again.. |
again.. |
Jesus enjoying. |
Spot the waterfall face!! |
ooh..there it is!! |
Jesus and the kids. |
Karen and the kids. |
Karen and Anival. |
House!! |
See you later pueblo!! |
There is apparently a group of pilgrims who do an annual pilgrimage to the waterfall walking on their knees...ouch!!
Some of the water that comes out of the ground in the surrounding rock pools was actually warm...possibly coming from the Volcano Cotocachi.
We enjoyed being there for a while...taking lots of photos (as you can see!!), washing our feet in the nice warm water...and just enjoying!!!
On the way back..we had to play "fire-fighters", putting out a small grass fire in the pine forest!! It was so dry that this could have got out of control very quickly. People light fires on their properties to burn off bushland (sadly)...and sparks often set off fires all over the place. A lot of the bush has been destroyed in this are due to ignorance and greed
Back to town after a fun day!! It was nice to include the kids in our outings...i hate feeling like a "visitor"'s nice to become part of the family, if only for a short time!!
It was dark by the time we got home!! Time for a quick shower, a bite to eat and bed!!
The next day was slightly more "relaxed". We were basically woken by everyone walking around the house...early to bed, early to rise!! Plus..the noise of the 6am bus leaving for Ibarra. There is two buses..the other leaves at 4.30am!! They do 2 laps of the town collecting passengers before heading off.
Breaky today was boiled eggs and huge cooked breaky luckily!!
The first activity for today was picking the "tomato del arbol" (tree tomatoes). Edwin has a large plantation of them. They are picked every 15 days...then a truck goes around the town collecting them from the local farmers. we set to work!! Beautiful views over the town from our picking location.
View over Buenos Aires. |
Victoria |
Victoria and Annival came to help us. Victoria was my "teacher" ...which ones were good to pick. You pick the orange/bright red/yellow ones...not the dark red ones. The kids had fun helping...and posing for photos!!
Jesus working hard. |
still.. |
and still.. |
Tomato de Arbole plantation. |
Edwin and Anival. |
The kids. |
Victoria at work. |
Admiring her tomato!! |
A beautiful fruit. |
and more.. |
and moe.. |
and more.. |
and more.. |
and more.. |
Cute Anival. |
Buenos Aires rooftops. |
Buenos Aires. |
The final fruit. |
The mornings work. |
The next plan for the day was to visit the farm of Oscar..."Las Palomas". It is on the outskirts of town...Edwin asked if I liked i made the trip on horseback.!!
See you later.. |
Oscar has a beautiful farm...a river running through his property, with lots of places for a nice dip. He also has a couple of pools where he breeds and sells trout. He had visited Mama Maria's house...with views to Jesus' sister Elvia helping to promote tourism in the region. He has built a cute cabin on his property for people to stay.
Inside guest cabin. |
First of all a fish in the trout pool...i hooked x2...Jesus none!!
Catching lunch!! |
More trout pools. |
We then set off for a walk to the "Cueva Encantada" (The Enchanted Cave)...through some really jungle-like bushland. As we went, Oscar pointed out lots of the plants and their lots of pretty orchids and bicunas. More legends and stories to tell...of the area, his property and stories of it's history. Beautiful views of the river below and the surrounding countryside.
The river |
and again!! |
Leading the way. |
Beautiful plants and trees and flowers and views along the way...
We arrived at the Cueva Encantada, formed by a humungous rock that fell and is supported by other huge rocks. The river runs right through the middle. Inside, evidence of past life/uses of the cave. A table and 2 chairs carved out of rocks....stories and legends of what these would have been used for. One was people coming, sitting with the devil and making pacts with him. On the path there, we saw a water channel built up to 30 years part still carried water, another kept caving in. It was said that the man who built it had made a pact with the devil to provide him with water.
The Enchanted Cave |
The river running through the cave. |
artistic shot!! |
What's holding up the big rock?! |
Jesus sitting in the "meeting spot" |
Looking out from inside!! |
The meeting spot. |
Spotto Jesus!! |
Us!! |
Jesus creating art on the riverbank. |
Completed sculpture!! |
I took a photo of one of the huge rocks that "supported" the roof of the cave. We immediately saw a face in the rock..we called it the "king Kong" rock!!
King Kong rock!! |
Back at the house...time for a nice lunch of fresh trout...we invited Edwin to join us. We also bought some trout to take back to Mama Maria...she was dreaming of eating trout!!
Oscar's house. |
Waiting for lunch. |
mmmmm!! |
Freshly cooked. |
The herb garden. |
Heading down to the river. |
After lunch it was time for a dip in the river...chilly, but refreshing!!
Jesus first!! |
brrrr... |
My turn.
The brave twosome!! |
Jesus drying off. |
By this time the "neblina de Buenos Aires" (fog) had settled was only 3.30!!
Back in town we had to go and meet the bus that had just arrived to buy our return tickets for the next morning. The town had a lovely, romantic feeling about it...all shrouded in fog. All the buildings and streets had a cute feel...lots of photos taken!!
We went to the "cheese house" to buy a couple of cheeses to take home...huge cheeses for only $1.50!!.
We then sat on a bench outside one of the little shops on the plaza enjoying the peace and quite. Jesus enjoyed a beer as well!! You could hardly see anything with the thick fog. You could imagine where all the ghost legends came from with all this eerie fog that descends over town all the time.
Foggy Buenos Aires downtown.
Foggy downtown photos to enjoy... |
When we bought tickets for the bus, the guy realized we were tourists and told us that the restaurant he was parked in front of (probably his families!!) was serving Armadillo for dinner. So...guess what Jesus had for dinner...I had a soup!! The restaurants in these small towns are so cute...everyone knows everyone. They all just sit around, chat, eat and watch tv. $2 for Jesus' dinner!!
Next morning we were woken by the bus beep beep beeping its way around town. was the 4am bus doing its round before heading off. Dozed back off until our alarm went off at time for the 6am bus to Ibarra. And this ended our jam-packed Buenos Aires adventure.
Until our next travel tale.
Lots of love
Llamas Bailando xxoo
See you later Buenos Aires. |
Some other artistic photos of Buenos Aires before you go!!
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